
there is a woman in a gray dress holding a white object

An Injectable Solution for Overweight in Adults

If you're struggling with your weight you’re not alone. Did you know that over 40% of Americans are overweight or obese. There could be a number of reasons as to why you’ve gotten to this place, but we are here to support you and get you to a place where you f...

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butt lifter in black tight pants with a woman in a black top

Why Kim Kardashian got Morpheus8 on Her Tummy

It's hard to believe that one of the richest families in the United States would struggle with any of the same problems we may have, especially when we don’t have everything at the tip of our fingers like they do. The Kardashians have excess to it all but there is o...

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woman in a gray tank top and shorts posing for a picture

Why Building Muscle is Hard and Our Solution to Help You Get There

Building muscle is not as simple as it looks. It takes a combination of the right exercises, tracked lifts, time, weight training plan, and the ideal body weight to actually see the results you want. If you're new to lifting weights this may also be intimidating especiall...

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woman in a tan dress brushing her hair with a brush

Say Goodbye to your Love handles Once and For All with CoolSculpting

Ask anyone at your gym what area on their body they struggle with the most and the answer you'll likely hear is, “my love handles.”Despite the name, we have yet to find anything lovable about these stubborn pockets of fat.Love handles sit on the side of the...

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woman laying on a bed with her arms behind her head

Body Goals VS Body Treatment

When aiming to reach your body goals it can be difficult to find the right balance of lifestyle changes, the right workout regimen, and the proper diet. With all that being said, assessing what will work for you without the right background and knowledge can lead to wasted time...

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woman sitting on a chair with her legs crossed

How Your Body Image Can Affect Your Everyday Life

It's no secret that the most important relationship you can have is with yourself. How you carry yourself on a daily basis will also embody your level of confidence and self esteem. But most importantly if you can’t show love to yourself and your body this can affec...

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woman in a tan dress

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

“I don't know why I didn’t get Laser Hair Removal Sooner” - said by anyone who has ever been treated with Laser Hair Removal. This treatment really is the holy grail of all treatments. Nothing compares to not having to shave every other day and havi...

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woman in a gray tank top and shorts posing for a picture

Tired of Shaving Every Other Day?

For all the women reading this you can probably relate… You were around 11 or 14 years old when you started shaving because it no longer became socially acceptable to have leg hair. Years later here you are still shaving maybe three, four, or even five times a...

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woman in a black dress laughing

Got Cellulite? Here’s Our Solution

A majority of us have Cellulite. Like 90% of women have cellulite on our thighs or buttocks and it's no secret because they are hard to hide. Cellulite looks like little dimples on the skin. To get more technical they are divots that are a result of connective fib...

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woman in a black and white photo brushing her hair

What is Semaglutide?

Did you know Approximately 70% of American adults have obesity or are overweight. Being overweight can make it difficult to lose weight and keep the weight off for good. We want you to know that you're not alone though because with the right support and assist...

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