Have you been looking for the natural alternative to lifting sagging skin? With Threads we can lift the skin without surgery or injectables. We are going to take you through an in-depth treatment Q/A with one of our providers here at Images Med Spa.
Filler and Botox are one of our favorite treatments; while they are both effective services that focus on minimizing signs of age they might not provide the exact lift you’re looking for. Thread lifting is right between fillers and surgery. It is for the patient that wants filler and it’s also for the patient who doesn’t want filler or surgery to lift the skin. The Thread lift offers you another option that will slim the face and lift in certain concerned areas. Surely you have a number of questions! Let us dive deeper with a detailed Q&A with one of our lead providers.
What are Threads?
There are many different types of Threads. The Threads we will be using, Silhouette Instalift, is the only non-surgical treatment with advanced microsuspension technology that uses micro cones. They are made of PLLA or Sculptra, which is why you will continue to see gradual results.
What areas do we treat with the Threads at Images Med Spa?
The FDA indication for Silhouette Instalift is suspension in the midface or cheeks. We will be offering a brow lift, lower face, and jowl.
How long does a Thread treatment take?
Currently, we will book for an hour (unless the provider would like to add more time). We also will be doing consultations prior to booking the appointment to ensure patients are good candidates.

Who are candidates for Threads?
Patients should ideally have good skin quality, but are generally bothered by NL folds, marionette lines or jowls.
What is the downtime?
That will vary depending on the patient, but typically 24-48 hours of downtime, however bruising and discomfort may last longer.
What does pre and post-treatment look like?
Prior to treatment the patient should adhere to the same things we tell patients for fillers. Avoid aspirin, fish oil, vitamin E, Aleve, nsaids or alcohol prior to the procedure to minimize the risk of bruising. No dental appts for 2 weeks before or 4 weeks after the procedure.
Are there any side effects?
Side effects from the procedure are possible swelling, bruising, discomfort, and tenderness. There is also the risk of temporary nerve inflammation and asymmetry. There is also the possibility of slight skin depression or dimple which typically dissipates within a week.
How long does the initial consultation take?
Initial consultation will be anywhere from 15-30 mins.
Can you get any other treatments on the same day? If not, how long do you have to wait before/after treatments?
It isn’t recommended to get other treatments that day. You could do botox after the procedure, but that is about it. It is recommended that you wait approximately a month before you do any facials or lasers.
How long do my results last?
Typically patients get an immediate lift, with a gradual increase in collagen production that could last up to 2 years

How many treatments per year do I need?
This treatment SHOULD last around 2 years. The question is not how long the results will last, but if the patient will want to add more in time.
Why should I get Threads over fillers or surgery?
If you’re looking for surgical facelift results and are willing to pay the price, you should 100% get a facelift. Instalift will not give facelift results, however it will give a more lifted appearance. Fillers may be needed in conjunction with Silhouette Instalift to add volume. Instalift will suspend threads made of PLLA (Sculptra) for a lifted appearance, but will not add volume.
What are popular areas to treat for Millennials vs. Baby Boomers?
This procedure is best for people mid 30’s to 50’s, however that doesn’t mean others aren’t candidates. In my opinion people will likely have the same request, lifted jowls/neck/brows.
How long have Threads been around?
Silhouette Instalift was FDA approved in 2015
What are our qualifications?
Our PA’s who will be doing the procedures all have surgical or procedural backgrounds. We have been trained directly from the company and will continue to train.
If you’re ready to book your appointment or have addition questions follow the link below to book your appointment or consultation!