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As the world becomes more health-conscious, people are constantly seeking innovative ways to shed those extra pounds and maintain a healthy lifestyle. With advancements in technology and a deeper understanding of nutrition, the weight loss industry is ready for the ultimate transformation. From plant-based meal plans to group fitness classes, the options for achieving your weight loss goals are increasingly attainable.

2024 is set to bring a wave of fresh, diverse, and effective weight loss trends that could be the start of your lifelong health journey. We narrowed down the industry’s top weight loss treatments and trends for the year to help you get started. Read on to find the solution that’s perfect for you. You might find that it’s already at Images Med Spa.

Semaglutide: The New Weight Loss Injectable

Weight loss injectables aren’t exactly a new thing, but their recent popularity has had a lot of people wondering: is this the answer to losing weight? Despite the controversy, patients on weight loss injectables have seen remarkable results, reaching their target weight faster than they would have through just traditional diet and exercise. The secret is in Semaglutide

Semaglutide is a hormone that helps control your appetite and lower blood sugar levels. It works by slowing down digestion and triggering the release of insulin. This combination helps you feel full faster and reduces your appetite, leading to weight loss. When used alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise, Semaglutide can enhance your weight loss journey even more.

McKinsey & Co.’s latest Future of Wellness research found that more than 50 percent of U.S. consumers considered prescription medication, including glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) drugs, to be a “very effective” intervention. Given how new weight loss injectables are, it is too early to understand their impact on the broader consumer health and wellness market is still unfolding, but currently, they are proving effective.




Sculpt Your Body with Temperature Therapy

Losing fat can be challenging, especially in specific problem areas. Not everyone prefers surgical options, but there are alternative methods to shape and firm your body. Fortunately, in 2024, we’ll see a rise in the popularity of temperature therapy. It’s a great way to target specific areas of the body to strengthen muscles and aid in weight loss.

At Images Med Spa, we offer two temperature therapy options: CoolSculpting and EmSculpt Neo. CoolSculpting can effectively reduce stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. This non-surgical procedure gradually produces noticeable changes within three weeks, with the most significant results appearing after two to three months. By utilizing Cryolipolysis® freezing technology, CoolSculpting directly targets deep-seated fat beneath the skin’s surface. Administered by a medical professional using a handheld device, the freezing process begins by placing the device directly onto the treatment areas. Once the fat cells are frozen, the body naturally eliminates them, bidding farewell to fat cells permanently.

EmSculpt Neo offers the same results as months of exercise and dieting, helping you achieve your dream body in less time. During the treatment, EmSculpt Neo uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to induce muscle contractions, simulating the effects of an intense workout. You can simply lie down and relax while the treatment takes place. The muscle toning achieved through EmSculpt is permanent and can last for approximately 12-14 months without maintenance, depending on the individual’s lifestyle habits. 

Reach out to us today to schedule your complimentary body consultations and discuss your options. 



Get the Energy You Need with Vitamin Injections

B12 injections provide numerous benefits to our bodies physically and mentally. It is often associated with weight loss because it boosts energy and increases your ability to stay active throughout the day. The lack of B12 can result in tiredness, disrupted sleep, and mental confusion, but receiving regular B12 injections can enhance energy levels, sleep quality, focus, metabolism, and overall health.

If you’re wondering what the difference is between a B12 shot and a pill you can buy at the drugstore, you’re not alone. For those who have a fear of needles, the idea of injecting yourself regularly with a vitamin is probably daunting. However, an injection allows your body to absorb B12 more directly than by taking a pill. Receiving regular shots of B12 will reverse the effects of being deficient. It will improve your quality of life and increase your energy levels among other things.

Get your B12 in check and schedule a consultation at Images Med Spa to start receiving your B12 shots today.



Healthy, Flexible Diet Plans That Taste Delicious

People are starting to realize that dieting doesn’t necessarily mean eating bland, boring meals and there is a bigger need for healthy but delicious diet plans. Not only that, many people want their diets to fit into their lifestyles, not the other way around. Because of this, the Mediterranean diet is predicted to become even more popular in 2024.

 It takes inspiration from the traditional cuisine of Mediterranean countries and has received praise for its health benefits and tasty flavors. By focusing on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats such as olive oil, the Mediterranean diet provides a well-rounded approach to nutrition. It not only promotes heart health but also aids in weight management and overall well-being. 

As people become more mindful of their dietary choices, the Mediterranean diet is expected to continue its upward trend as a popular and sustainable way of eating. There’s already even a variation of the diet called the Green Mediterranean Diet which focuses more on plant-based foods.



Finding Communities through Fitness

Overdoing workouts just isn’t in anymore; people want to move their bodies and lose weight on their terms now. They also want to have a good time while doing it. In 2024, we’ll see an uptick in group fitness classes and sports. When you feel confident, you work out a little harder. So, what’s a better way to feel confident than having your besties around to sweat it out with you? 

When it comes to spending on fitness, people are expected to prioritize in-person fitness classes and personal training. They want to invest in experiences that help them build strong communities, such as retreats, and take advantage of services like personalized workout plans, including ones that are powered by AI.



Starting Your Weight Loss Journey

The weight loss industry is always evolving to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of people seeking effective and sustainable ways to lose weight. In the United States, nearly one in three adults struggles with obesity; McKinsey & Co.’s research found that 60 percent of US consumers said they are currently trying to lose weight. It’s a good thing that with the introduction of innovative treatments such as Semaglutide injections, CoolSculpting, EmSculpt, and B12 injections, you have the option to lose weight and stay healthy on your terms. You also don’t want to stay in weight loss season forever. It’s better to choose healthier habits you can sustain.

At Images Med Spa, we offer the treatments listed above (Semaglutide injections, CoolSculpting, EmSculpt, and B12 injections) and we’re more than happy to help you get started on your weight loss journey this year. Schedule a consultation today to take the first step. 



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