Do you feel like you’ve reached the age where you can’t get away with the stuff you used to when you were younger? Maybe like falling asleep with your makeup on? Drinking one too many glasses of wine? Do you feel like in your twenties, thirties, and maybe forties you might have neglected your skin? Taking care of your skin might have not been your top priority back then. But it’s time you make amends with your skin.

At Images Med Spa in Lincoln Park we picked out some of our favorite treatments for someone in their 50’s and we want to share them with you! Read on as we tell you all about these amazing treatments that will help diminish those concerns that built up over time…
The Ultimate Skin Resurfacing Treatment!
The Moxi is one of our favorite treatments at Images Med Spa in Lincoln Park for multiple reasons. You can receive this treatment anytime in the year and where some treatments are best for particular seasons. The new laser is top notch technology that can provide amazing results just after one treatment. Some might even compare this treatment to the Halo. The Moxi is a quick treatment and can take from 30-60mins. For most of us we don’t want to miss out on our social plans and this treatment has little no downtime! So don’t worry you won’t have to experience any FOMO. Another reason we love this treatment is because it is for everyone and treats multiple skin concerns! But Moxi is especially beneficial for an uneven pigmentation, texture/tone, sun damage, and skin aging. We recommend this treatment for long-term results and as part of your skin routine. It’s important to keep up with the maintenance otherwise the results will not hold up to its full potential. This laser treatment is more aggressive than others and that’s why it brings quick beautiful results!

Minimizing Wrinkles
At Images Med Spa in Lincoln Park, botox is one of our top treatments. Nobody really wants to admit they’re getting botox. But if you’ve noticed a significant improvement in one of your closest friend’s skin the answer is without a doubt botox! Don’t believe anyone that says there is magical retinol to completely remove those wrinkles. Because if that was the case we would all be using it! Botox is an FDA approved treatment that many people are getting regularly. The best part about Botox is that we can get you in and out in no time. There is no need to recover so you can get back to your regular life minus holding off on your workout till the next day. So no need to reschedule your plans and within just 3-7 days you can show off your newly smooth skin. Botox can last up to 6 months but this depends on the person. Although other factors come into play depending on your age and how deep the wrinkles are this might require more maintenance. Another benefit of botox is that it truly is a preventative measure that you’re taking. We get so many questions on this one but getting botox can prevent new wrinkles from forming. The reason is that Botox treats the muscle under the skin and blocks the body from reacting and contracting these face muscles. Since botox stops the contraction it is preventing any future wrinkles from contracting and stopping those present wrinkles from deepening.
For Plump Firm Skin
Fillers are without doubt one of our favorite treatments at Images Med Spa in Lincoln Park. We get many questions when it comes to fillers because this is one of our client’s favorite treatments as well. Fillers are used to plump areas of the skin while reducing fine lines and boosting collagen production. You can get fillers wherever you’re looking to plump the skin. We all lack areas on our faces that don’t have the amount of volume we desire. Especially as we begin to age the skin sags due to the loss of collagen. Collagen production is crucial to having youthful glowing skin and unfortunately, after the age of 25 that production slows down. Collagen can be thought of as the glue that holds everything together and as that production slows down the face will no longer hold the same structure it once did. Some common places to get fillers in the lips, cheeks, and under the eye. There are many different fillers out there and two of the most popular ones are Juvederm and Restylane. The two products are made into a hyaluronic acid gel substance and are injected into the skin to create a plumper firm area. Fillers are temporary and only typically last between 6-9 months.

Consultation & Same Day Treatment
At Images Med Spa in Lincoln Park, we offer a complimentary skin consultation where our providers will do a deep analysis of your skin and come up with the best treatment plan. Not all skin is the same and self-treating can be a frustrating process with no long-term results. At Images Med Spa we are all about having a plan before diving into your options. We aim for the best results and some plans will require more effort. Everything adds up when it comes to staying on top of the concerns of your skin. Receiving all the recommended treatments while taking care of the skin with medical-grade products will give you the best results. You will also be thanking yourself later in life when the skin concerns become deep and require more attention.
Book your appointment today at our Lincoln Park office with one of our amazing estheticians. We want to be part of your skin journey and it is never too late to begin!
Lincoln Park
1006 W Armitage Ave (Upper Level)
Chicago, IL 60614 224-427-3517