woman getting a nonsurgical face procedure

Rosacea and Facial Redness are common among a lot of people. It can show up in women, men, even children. Pretty much anyone can have what seems like this never ending battle of red skin. But catching a flare up before it starts is the goal to prevent them in the future. First, we need to get the bottom of what could contribute to the inflammation. For instance, who here has ever been so embarrassed and someone suddenly yells out “you’re so red!” which really only results in the skin getting redder. And if you haven’t experienced this you’re one of the lucky ones. Did you know that this happens because the blood vessels in the face become wider and this increases blood flow. Blushing can’t necessarily be controlled because it is an involuntary response and the body’s natural reaction. But there are ways to subside skin redness and prevent it from deepening in the future which could control a flare up.

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Types of Facial Redness Flare Ups

As we mentioned above a lot can be attributed to facial redness. It can be your body’s natural response to expressing certain emotions such embarrassment, excitement, and anger or it could also be a result of skin damage or skin conditions that we need to get to the bottom of. Listed below are more serious skin conditions that may require a particular course of treatment in order for the skin to properly be treated. We recommend you book a complimentary consultation with one of our Aestheticians at Images Med Spa, prior if you notice any of the symptoms listed below. 


  • Rosacea – may have your skin appear as flushed most of the time, for only a few months or weeks but it usually is the cause of an inflammation flare up. Depending on the severity of the Rosacea you may be able to treat it with a customized skin care and treatment plan such as certain lasers. But if the skin is on the more severe side it may require antibiotics or prescribed creams. Severe rosacea may last for weeks straight and small bumps that appear like pimples could produce. 
  • Eczema – this skin condition symptoms may include a rash, scaly skin, redness, and also itchiness. A big role that plays into eczema is your genetics. If a family member has this it could result in you getting it as well. This one is commonly treated with creams and or antibiotics depending on the severity. Others may only need a strong moisturizing routine and the right skin treatment plan. 
  • Psoriasis – similar symptoms to eczema red scaly patches may appear on different areas of the skin that may include the body, face, or scalp. A good rule of thumb is how serious the patches appear and how many. Based on this we can find the most suitable medical-grade skincare routine and treatments to treat the symptoms of Psoriasis.



woman getting a nonsurgical face procedure


How Photofacials Can Treat Facial Redness

The IPL Photofacial is an intense pulse light that treats rosacea, facial redness, and other skin issues. The broadband light energy increases the healing process by raising skin cell temperatures. Blood vessels that have become broken will heal from the absorption of this deep lighting. Symptoms of rosacea and facial redness begin to fade as vessels repair themselves and collagen is boosted. On top of that, this amazing red carpet treatment truly repairs the skin’s surface from pore size, smoothing down textured skin, and evening out any complexion. It’s an all in one for rejuvenation and renewal. While all skin types are different and treating severe skin redness may be recommended for a series of the IPL Photofacial to get the best results. This fast and effective treatment is worth it and especially for those who’ve tried everything for treating redness. This skin concern is common for many but misunderstood when it comes to treating the skin surface for the most effective results. You no longer need to waste your time on buying expensive thick foundations to cover up your skin. It’s time you wear your bare skin confidently!

rosacea treatment results


The results are worth it! This patient has struggled with facial redness and after visiting Aesthetician Dani at our Mokena location she set her up with a customized medical-grade skincare routine and treated her with ONE Photofacial! As you can see her complexion has evened out, pore size has shrunk, and redness has subsided.

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With everything that has been going on this year, everyone needs a little pampering. Book your appointment at Images Med Spa, today and treat yourself or a loved one to a little something special! Images Med Spa is doing everything that we can to keep everyone healthy – Visit our Covid-19 Precautions page for more information.


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