Who is ready to embrace all the fall things this year? PSLs, pumpkin patches, football games, Halloween, and cozy movie nights! We’re ready to take on the chilly weather and leave behind yet another scorching summer.
With the change of seasons comes changes to your skin. Cold weather brings out dryness, irritation, and dullness. Plus, sitting inside with the heat cranking will also suck the moisture right out of the skin. The best way to keep your skin happy throughout the colder months is by adding the right treatments to your beauty routine. Say YES to skin that’s hydrated, glowing, and healthy with these 4 ways to transition your skin from summer to fall.

Resurface Your Skin with The Halo Treatment

The HALO treatment is one of our most popular skin resurfacing treatments. This powerful laser can reverse years of damage and completely transform your skin with just one treatment per year. It is one of the best treatments to receive during the colder months because it’s the best time to address sun damage and it’s also the most time you spend out of the sun, which is a crucial part of the healing process. It uses advanced laser technology to treat and eliminate sun damage, dyschromia, enlarged pores, deep acne scars, and fine lines and wrinkles. It stimulates your body’s natural healing process, which results in an increase in collagen. After your treatment, you can expect to see a brighter, more youthful glow to your skin.
Restore Summer Damage with RF Microneedling
RF Microneedling, also known as Radio Frequency Microneedling, is like regular Microneedling but even better. It uses very fine needles to create micro-wounds in the skin then radio frequency is then released into these channels of the
skin to stimulate collagen and elastin. The most important thing the skin needs as it goes through the colder months is a thicker barrier. As the skin repairs itself from the treatment, it will thicken, become smoother, and clearer. One of the best benefits of RF Microneedling is that it tightens up loose skin. Not many treatments can give you this natural lift and rejuvenate the skin all at the same time.
Rehydrate Your Skin with Hydrafacials

If you haven’t heard of the Hydrafacial treatment by now you’re missing out! This all-in-one treatment combines exfoliation, extractions, brightening, and key antioxidants for bright and hydrated skin. Hydrafacial is great for ALL skin types, especially during the fall. It gives you that boost of hydration that the skin is missing. Oftentimes the skin’s pores are clogged from years of trapped oil, debris, and dirt. Sounds gross right? This is also a leading factor in acne, oily skin, and an uneven complexion. By exfoliating the skin we can get rid of those dead skin cells, hit the reset button, and achieve the perfect glow and hydration for the cold weather ahead.
Achieve Healthy Skin Cells with Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a great way to achieve healthier skin. When the skin is in its healthiest state, a clearer and more radiant complexion is apparent. Chemical peels are used to increase the body’s natural cell turnover process. It works by shedding off old skin cells and leaving room for new healthy skin cells to form. The combination of these acids in the peel kills off excess bacteria, which if not addressed will often lead to blemishes, large pores, and dull skin. With damage from the summer sun, you can repair the skin with a series of peels. This will leave your skin brighter and smoother.
Want to learn more from our experts? Read our latest blogs and keep up with our Youtube channel to stay informed on our top tips, treatments, and skincare products.
Ready To Book Your Appointment?
We’re excited to have you at Image Med Spa to begin your skin journey! Click below to book your appointment or schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about our favorite treatments to transition your skin from summer to fall!