At Images Med Spa in Lincoln Park, we especially keep ourselves in check during the colder seasons because as we all know summer bodies are made in the winter! Read on to learn all our tricks and tips to stay on top of your summer body goals.




Working out and eating right during the wintertime can be difficult. We all seem to lose some motivation when it gets cold out and darker earlier. Then all the holiday gatherings seem to get the best of us with yummy sweets and delicious foods. When it comes down to it’s not motivation that gets you to the gym it’s your discipline! Setting a routine where you pack your lunches/snacks the day before and head straight to the gym after work will set you up for success.


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Workout Routine

During the winter season working out after work is always the last thing that we want to do. Spending the least amount of time outside and more on the couch in a cozy blanket sounds like the best plan. But hello… summer bodies are made in the winter so it’s time to ditch the couch time and spend more of that time in the gym. We all have different workout regimens whether it’s running outside, working out in the gym, or home workouts. This is the perfect time to set a scheduled routine so you don’t fall off. Making sure to go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time will keep your body and mind adjusted to a set routine. At least 7 hours of sleep each night will help you feel rested throughout the day. Here are some of our favorite forms of exercise… try it out! 


  • Strength training – 20 – 40 mins a day 
  • Walking – aim for 8,000 – 10,000 steps 
  • Cardio – any form of cardio that you prefer for 30mins a day 5 days a week or 3 days a week with 20mins of intense cardio 
  • Workout classes – fun and you don’t have to plan the workout 🙂 
woman in a robe eating

You Can’t Out Train a Bad Diet

You’ve probably heard it before but you can’t outwork a bad diet. It doesn’t matter how hard you go in the gym if you’re eating processed junk and sweets every day then you probably won’t have the flat abs you want. Face it… if you’re not in high school anymore you can’t get away with eating all those goldfish and reeses. Most people who hit the gym don’t require the same amount of fuel that an athlete would need. Athletes need more fuel/food to get through intense training. The same goes for those training for a marathon or triathlon they require a higher intake of carbs as their main source of fuel. This doesn’t mean avoid those “unhealthier” foods at all costs. But finding a balance where your diet includes a good amount of whole foods and nutrient-rich foods will set you up for success.



At Images Med Spa in Lincoln Park, we set up a monthly fitness challenge to keep each other motivated and fit. This month we have to get a 1-hour workout 5 times a week and track it. Challenges like this keep you and all your friends accountable to reaching your fitness goals. There many fun challenges to get into with your girl squad. Ones we loved were hitting your daily steps, water intake, and 3 miles a day of walking or running. Get a group of your closest friends together and get the fit trend started. Some challenges can easily be tracked through an excel, apple watch, or group chat. 

women in robes posing with bagels

Prep The Day Before

When it comes to taking your fitness goals seriously you will want to plan ahead. Earlier on in this blog, we mentioned prepping your food. If you can make this one a priority it will be easier o reach your summer body goals. A good tool to use is myfitnesspal or other food tracking apps that put in perspective how much food you’re taking in a day. A common macro ratio would be 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% protein. While this ratio isn’t for everyone because we all have different eating preferences. Often times when we eat out or order food we good more than the normal portion size. Prepping your own food allows you to take control of your diet and portion out your meals. Whether you prefer to workout in the morning or evening a good idea would be to layout your gym clothes and gym shoes the day before. This way you don’t spend too much time picking out your clothes and you’ll be thinking about going to the gym. One other part you should plan for is your workout. Planning your workout the day before will leave you feeling excited and confident walking into the gym. 


Goal setting

Figuring out your goals and aligning them with your daily lifestyle choices will all add up. Food and exercise are two of the most important factors when it comes to reaching your fitness goals. But knowing what you’re looking to achieve will matter when you’re planning out a workout regimen and diet. Did you know that your mindset affects your fitness results. If you can’t destress or switch on the positive thoughts this might be hindering your results. The top 3 mindsets that will aid in your fitness goals are… know your worth, believe in yourself, and you are deserving of the rewards if you work hard. It can be easy to doubt yourself and get caught up in the stresses of your life outside of fitness. This is your time to push yourself and let go of those worries. Remember to tell yourself you can! 


Be sure to keep up with all of the blog posts each week to learn more tips and tricks on beauty and wellness. For more information call 773.770.3666 💕.


Lincoln Park

1006 W Armitage Ave (Upper Level)

Chicago, IL 60614 224-427-3517

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