For most of us when we think of our skin goals…glowing is at the top of that list. At Images Med Spa in Mokena we know how your lifestyle can make a huge difference to the condition of your skin. Healthy skin takes a good amount of maintenance and patience.

Sticking with a skincare routine that includes medical grade products will provide you skin with antioxidants, pure ingredients, and real results. Good skin is not an overnight process but a journey. The number one key to beautiful skin is staying on top of keeping it clean and free from impurities that may get trapped into the skin. But also making changes in any unhealthy lifestyle will overall clear up the skin and give it the glow you’re hoping to achieve… Read on as we list our best advice on achieving hydrated, healthy, and glowing skin.
Sunscreen Is Key
Every expert says their number one anti-aging tip is sunscreen. SPF is the one part of your skincare routine that should never change! No matter the season SPF is a must-have in every regimen because you can get just as much sun exposure in the winter as in the summer. Even if you spend all your time indoors you still need to be wearing it. It might come as a shock to you but staring at a screen all day actually exposes the skin to a different light that is equally as harmful. The HEV light (aka blue light) that comes from computers, phones, TV and tablets can actually be worse than ultraviolet lights. It penetrates the skin deeper and provokes premature aging. Good news is there are no signs linked to cancer. These harsh lights on the skin can also cause hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and damage collagen production. Now you probably get the idea about why we are so passionate about SPF at Images Med Spa in Mokena. We always rave about the medical grade SPF products we have to offer because they are pure ingredients, provide the best coverage, protection and are super hydrating.

Gut Health
The truth is if your gut aka your stomach isn’t happy then there’s a good chance neither will your skin. Everything comes down to gut health. Gut bacteria is important and these chemicals whether good or bad send messages to the brain. These chemicals sent to the brain can be dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Isn’t that crazy that what happens in the gut can actually affect our entire mood! By eating certain foods can promote a healthy gut microbiome. The skin also has its own microbiome which includes different bacteria, yeasts and parasites. These organisms on the skin play a huge role in skin health and the immune system. Getting in healthy probiotics and prebiotics into the body is key to not only looking good but feeling good too. If you don’t have good digestion or gut health this will overall make everything feel and look off. You can find probiotics in yogurt, kimchi, fermented vegetables and kefir. Prebiotics are found in garlic, onion, asparagus, apples and oatmeal. If you’re not obsessed with dairy products maybe try reducing the intake and see how it goes with your skin.
Diet & Healthy Fats
Fats are crucial to functioning, in fact you need them for brain function. But besides helping us get through day-to-day activities healthy fats can actually naturally make your skin glow. Some people have super low fat diets to lose weight but oftentimes experience grogginess and dry skin. Our diets should include a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids. They are important for managing oil production, reducing inflammation and also a preventable measure against age and acne. Some of the best food options you can find this in is salmon, herring, sardines, anchovies, flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds and walnuts. An easy way to include some of these options is topping a salad with sesame seeds or avocado. It’s also better to cook foods with oils vs butter which is another option to getting fats into your diet. But if you don’t enjoy any of these foods there are also supplement options out there.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of our go-to products at Images Med Spa in Mokena. If it’s not yet part of your skincare regimen then you’re missing out. Because it is magic in a bottle! Vitamin C is the one product that truly brightens up dull looking skin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants are an extremely powerful ingredient when soaked into the skin. In other words they are the detox the skin needs and deserves from all your daily activities. It treats uneven skin tones, rough textures, fine lines and acne scars. Vitamin C is a top seller for its price and results. If you are ready to take your skincare routine to the next level at an affordable price then set up your complimentary skin consultation. One of our estheticians can do a deep dive into your routine and skin to set you up for successful results. Vital C Anti-Aging Serum by Images Skincare is a fan favorite and we use it every morning in our skincare routines.

Take This Supplement
Have you ever heard of collagen? Well…it is the main protein found in the body specifically the bones, tendons, ligaments, organs, muscles, blood vessels, skin and hair. That makes up 80% of our bodies organs! Collagen is what holds everything together. Our bodies naturally produce it up until the ages of 25 years old and then we slowly start to produce less. Women going through menopause can lose up to 30% within the first 5 years. Surprisingly we have all been consuming collagen for years as it produced into gelatin. So if you’re a big fan of pudding, cake, yogurt, ice cream and soups then this whole time you’ve been getting collagen into your diet without knowing it. We always recommend this supplement to our clients. Did you know the reason you begin to see wrinkles, fine lines or sagging skin is due to the breakdown of collagen! We are not saying by ingesting collagen this will completely remove those wrinkles. But it can improve the skin’s elasticity, encourage collagen production and help the skin repair itself. Many people who take a collagen supplement on a daily basis say they notice a more radiant glow to their skin. It is the ultimate cure to dullness to the skin and once you start taking it you can’t live without it. It said that collagen can also speed up the growth and strength of hair and nails. As if collagen did not already have enough pros it also can be a form of your daily protein intake. Many of us struggle getting in enough protein and two scoops of collagen can be around 18 grams of protein or more. To get the full effects of collagen you should take 20 grams of it on a daily basis.
At Images Med Spa in Mokena we have all the secrets and tricks to reaching beautiful glowing skin. All of these tips we suggested above have worked for us and we inappropriate them into our daily routines. Keep up with all our blog posts to learn more about beauty, skin, and treatments! XO
19020 Everett Blvd. #202 Mokena, IL 60448 708.435.2266