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While someone with Cystic acne does not experience any physical symptoms, the skin’s appearance can cause emotional distress. People with acne have said that their skin makes them feel unattractive, embarrassed, or self-conscious.Cystic acne is one of the severest types of acne and it can be quite a journey to cure. Cystic acne flare-ups are impossible to ignore especially when those mean pesky pimples are painful. This is why you can’t ignore it and why you should be talking with a professional who can set you up with a custom plan so that the acne doesn’t end up as scars. Self treating acne is not recommended because this can further irritate the skin. While living in a time where glowy clear skin is the goal, struggling with the never ending battle of acne can have you feeling quite insecure and discouraged. In this article, we will try to help you understand the root of cystic acne and ways it can be treated!


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Physician-grade chemical agents are used to resurface, rejuvenate, and renew a more vibrate layer of skin.


woman buying skincare products

PCA Acne Gel

PCA Acne Gel is a salicylic acid treatment that combats new and existing blemishes.


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Alastin Hydratint SPF

This Alastin Hydratint SPF 36 provides UVA/UVB protection. It is rich in antioxidants that shield in pollution induced damage.


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How is Cystic Acne different from Regular Acne?

The difference between acne and cystic acne is that cystic acne develops pimples deep underneath the skin often filled with bacteria. They come in all different shapes and sizes but oftentimes they are larger and more painful. Controlling this acne right away is key to preventing scarring or infections. The bacteria that gets trapped into the pores can cause swelling which is  another common symptom. Other types of acne include blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, fungal acne, and nodules. All of these different types of acne are treatable with either topical or oral medications. 

What Can Cause Cystic Acne? 

Cystic Acne can be triggered from hormones, stress, and different types of food. While certain foods will most likely not be the main cause of cystic acne, some foods such as dairy, whey protein, and high sugar have been shown to further irritate the skin and inflame acne. If there is an imbalance in your hormones this can set off the skin and cause an overdrive in oil glands which will lead to clogged pores and unfortunately acne. Getting your hormones checked can always be a good idea if you try every option when it comes to treating severe types of acne. In some cases lifestyle changes may be necessary to living acne-free! In just reducing stress, getting more sleep, and incorporating more whole foods can make a dramatic difference. If your gut is unhappy this can reflect on your skin so diet can be an important factor. But all of these common causes of cystic acne should be discussed with a professional who can help pinpoint the main cause after analyzing your skin.

How to Treat Cystic Acne

Treating Cystic Acne doesn’t happen overnight and there isn’t a magical cream to get rid of it. You have to change your entire approach to healthy skin. It will take both a lot of patience and a strict plan with a few possible lifestyle changes to get you there. But treating your acne for long-term results will mean we need a strong topical and overall skincare routine. A custom treatment plan is critical to repairing the deeper layers of the skin. If after months of being on a medical-grade skincare routine and custom treatment plan and you see no changes to your skin then an oral medication may be recommended.

patient and staff laughing together

Chemical Peels Can Treat Acne & Scars

One approach that we may take is starting off with a series of Chemical Peels. Chemical Peels will rapidly exfoliate with the acid solution to effectively remove all dead skin cells. By removing the dead skin cells this will prevent oil, hair follicles, and excess bacteria from trapping into the pores and blocking the skin from further build up. Another benefit of the chemical peel is it can reduce the appearance of acne scars. A series of chemical peels will greatly smooth down textured skin by building new collagen and elastin. There are three different types of peels: superficial or light, medium, and deep peels. Not the most exciting names but the results sure are! The best peel for you will be based on your skin type, tone, condition, and area. 


Cystic Acne will not go away on its own and handling it before it worsens is key. Because who wants their acne to turn into scars? It’s time we help you get to the bottom of your cystic acne and have you wearing your bare skin with confidence! This what seems to be a never ending cycle of acne is going to come to an end when you finally let the expert tell you what your skin truly needs. Maybe it’s not a chemical peel or your current skincare routine but with an in-depth skin analysis you can finally save your time, money, and hope on a plan that will finally get you to the results you and your skin deserves.


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Alastin HA IMMERSE Serum



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Botox & Dysport

Botox® & Dysport are two treatments that work to reverse the visible signs of aging by relaxing the muscles beneath the skin’s surface. Botox® & Dysport is the only treatment that can efficiently prevent the formation of wrinkles.


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Images Ritual Candle




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