someone is holding their stomach in a very tight position
person pinching their loose skin

The key to life is aging gracefully. This doesn’t just mean doing everything in your power to control wrinkles or sagging skin. This saying has much more meaning to it. It’s about taking care of your overall health and not just your appearance. Living a full and happy life means eating the right foods and moving your body regularly. Taking care of yourself as a whole will obviously reflect back on how you look but also affect how fast or slow your body ages. With proper care early on, you can prevent a number of things like aches and pains, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and more. We have a few tips to improve your overall health for those young and older.

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It goes without saying that if you eat junk and live your life as a couch potato you might not feel or look your best later on. This also has an entire effect on your mental and emotional health as well. Eating regular whole foods will fuel your body as well as provide vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that are good for a number of things, even things you may not be aware of. Did you know whole foods often contain more fiber which improves digestion and promotes healthier bacteria that lives in the gut? We could go on and on as to why you should increase your greens and fruits. But hopefully eating the rainbow is a given.


  1. Staying hydrated – most of us are dehydrated and don’t drink enough water on a regular basis. The body can’t function properly without an adequate amount of water. It improves bowel movements, transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, controls body temperatures, and it results in a better mood and clearer thinking. 
  2. Getting enough sleep – poor sleep obviously affects our energy levels, moods, and recovery. If you’re not getting at least 7-8 hours every night you should find a nightly routine that allows you to unwind and turn off your mind before bed. 
  3. Limit processed foods and alcohol – both of these have a huge affect on the aging process as well as contributing to serious health problems down the road. Limiting these as much as possible will improve your mental, physical, and emotional health. 
  4. Plan out meals in advance – it’s easy to go hours without eating and then coming to the point where you’re absolutely starving and the only thing that is convenient is processed foods. If you take time to grocery shop and get foods that are nourishing this will help you get a well balanced diet and from also not overeating.

Move your body – this is the most important part to increasing your physical health. Moving your body daily promotes healthier bones, muscles, stability, and lungs. Making it a regular routine to go on daily walks and exercising is one of the best habits you can take on.





Are you struggling currently with applying these habits to your life or are dealing with health concerns but don’t quite know how to take back your control? This is common and you’re not alone. It can be scary not knowing where to start or how to get to your end goals of improving physical health. We have a number of treatments that can help you improve your overall health and allow you to gain back the motivation to want to live a healthier lifestyle. Do any of these concerns sound like something that would improve your life?



Taking back control is a decision you have to commit to. Oftentimes with age there are a lot of boundaries that prevent you from reaching those goals. But with the right assistance and support you can get there. Book your consultation today and find the best option that supports you and your lifestyle!


person pinching their loose skin



If you’re ready to reach your goals this year and feel confident and comfortable in your body again, take back your control. Stay tuned for our next blog on Body by Images.

Looking to schedule your consultation to see if you qualify? Wait no more. Follow the link now!

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