woman in a gray tank top and shorts posing for a picture
woman wearing a bodysuit

For all the women reading this you can probably relate… You were around 11 or 14 years old when you started shaving because it no longer became socially acceptable to have leg hair. Years later here you are still shaving maybe three, four, or even five times a week. If you’re shaving less than once a week you were BLESSED. There isn’t a worse weekly routine than spending an extra 30 minutes shaving in the shower. It’s dreadful, and let’s be real, who has the extra 30 minutes in the shower to get a perfect shave? That’s a no, for most of us at least. 

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When puberty hits so does the growth of body hairs. It seems to show up everywhere and the growth isn’t slow. It usually hits you fast before you even know how to use a razor. It’s too much to manage at a young age and especially when you get older and your life becomes a lot busier. Besides setting time aside during the week to get that not-so-perfect shave you might end up with razor bumps, ingrown hairs, itchy skin, and stubble a day later. 


One of the biggest myths about shaving is that it will grow back thicker and faster. This isn’t exactly true though… Regrowth of hairs just appear different from existing hairs. Think of it like this, the hair on your head is not as coarse or even as dark as pubic hairs. The reason for this is newly grown hair no matter what will appear darker, thicker and coarser but as it grows longer it will soften out and look lighter. Obviously this is a problem for those that don’t want their leg hair to grow out as long as the hair on their head. Body hairs also grow at a much quicker rate than the hair on your head. But interesting enough it doesn’t grow much faster it just seems that way because we are constantly shaving. According to express.co “Leg hair begins to grow again on average after around 24 to 72 hours, whereas armpit hair starts to grow much sooner and grows up to 0.27mm a day”.


If you’re considering Laser Hair Removal then you’re probably at the point where you feel tired of your weekly shaving routine and are looking for a more permanent solution for hair removal. 


This treatment is for anyone and everyone who is ready for smooth silky skin. The reason someone might choose laser hair removal over shaving or waxing is because the results are longer lasting and unmatchable to other options. We do recommend getting a minimum of 6 laser hair removal treatments in 4-8 week intervals. 9 appointments will allow you to reach even better results. Laser Hair Removal can reduce up to 80-90% of the hair follicle. The pulses from the highly concentrated light target the hair follicles. The pigment in the follicle absorbs the light and destroys the hair follicle. Within a course of 3 weeks the targeted hair will fall out. 

Following your set treatment plan will be crucial for long-term hair removal. Your skin will be smoother and you will finally be able to toss your razor. Are you ready to ditch yours? Book your appointment today!






If you’re ready to reach your goals this year and feel confident and comfortable in your body again, take back your control. Stay tuned for our next blog on Body by Images.

Looking to schedule your consultation to see if you qualify? Wait no more. Follow the link now!

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