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BYRDIE | 10 Ways to Prevent Neck Wrinkles From Setting In Permanently, According to Derms

“…As a dermatologist, I’ve been seeing more and more patients coming in with concerns about neck wrinkles. Neck wrinkles aren’t a new concern from patients by any means, but they’re very quickly becoming a big concern among millennials.”

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BYRDIE | 5 Antioxidant-Rich Foods for Better Skin, Nails, and Hair

We pick the brains of models day in and day out, trying to learn their elusive secrets. We hear a lot about eating clean and avoiding sugar, but rarely do we hear health tips from a model who also happens to have her degree in nutritional science. That’s exactly what we found in Alicia Rountree. The Mauritian model (she’s got the island hair and bronzed glow to prove it) is also a certified nutritionist and a restaurateur (talk about putting your knowledge into practice, right?), and she shared her best secrets with us.”

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