You’re getting ready to go back to school and checking off your to-do list. We get it… we wish summer could last forever too. A new school year means a new you with a new style. Have you checked off the school supplies? Outfits? Shoes? What about skincare? This is your year to shine.

staff from Images Medspa

 Back to school shopping can be fun. Something about buying new clothes, new pencils, and going to Target gives us butterflies. But It always seems like the back to school list misses the basics, the ESSENTIALS! Seriously though? You can’t be using the same skincare samples and old beauty blenders to get you through another year. Book your appointment today at Images Med Spa in Wheaton and get your beauty checklist on track. Read on so we can take you through the ultimate beauty guide that will have you glowing and gorgeous.


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The Basics to Skincare 

When it comes to having glowing beautiful skin you have to make the effort. This doesn’t mean just using any products. This means finding a skincare routine that suits your skin type and sticking to it. Using expensive samples or buying your skincare products from Sephora won’t cut it. We want you to have the best skin at Images Med Spa in Wheaton. But to get there you have to properly care for it in order to restore it’s health. So let’s talk about skincare… every skin care routine hopefully starts with a cleanser. The cleanser is one of the most important parts of a skincare routine. The reason for this is… 1. If you’re not properly cleansing/removing a full day of oil, dirt, makeup, bacteria, etc. then you can believe what traps into the pores of your skin. It’s gross and you won’t be happy with the results. Cleanse your skin and cleanse it multiple times a day if you can. While you can go out and buy whatever cleanser you want. Tip number 2. Pick the right cleanser for your skin type! This can be tricky to know what type of skin you have and which cleanser would work best. This where we often recommend setting up a complimentary skin consultation with one of our amazing estheticians. These women don’t play when it comes to the skin and know everything there is to set you up for success. Products recommended by our estheticians are medical-grade. Which means they are approved by dermatologists, effective, safe, and the ingredients are pure. In other words this is a must for glowing clear skin. Next important step to a skincare routine is moisturizing. If you’re not moisturizing the skin then you’re missing out reaching your true skin results. Skin thrives when it is hydrated and moisturized. That’s why for most of us caring for the skin during the summer is much simpler due to the weather conditions. When the weather gets cold this sucks out all of its moisture leaving it dull, flaky, and dry. The last step in a skincare routine is crucial… it might not seem like it now. But protecting the skin early on will have you thanking yourself down the line. SPF everyday, all day. Even if you don’t plan on spending that much time in the sun, put the sunscreen on. Did you know your skin can still be exposed to UV rays from indoors? And that UVB is just as harmful to the condition of your skin. If you want to prevent signs of age such as wrinkles and fine lines then start using SPF now. While there may be other steps necessary for your skincare routine that depends on the person and your particular skincare concerns. These however are the main products that should be included in any skincare regimen.


Secret Ingredient for Glowing Skin

If you haven’t heard yet we are letting you in on the MVP product in the skincare industry… The answer is Vitamin C Serum! These serums are unique unlike any other serums out there due to the many benefits. Vitamin C is the one ingredient out there that fights off signs of age, smoothes, clears, and evens out any complexion. You’re probably wondering? How could this magical product help everyone? The answer is if you invest in a medical-grade vitamin c serum it’s safe with only the purest ingredients. One of the main ingredients in a vitamin c serum is magnesium ascorbyl phosphate this is said to have one of the most hydrating effects. It improves moisture retention and loss of water. At Images Med Spa in Lincoln Park, our favorite vitamin c serum is “Images Skincare Vital C Anti-Aging Serum”. This product works wonders when implemented into your morning skincare routine. One of our favorite factors of this product is the brightening and glowing effect. Vitamin C can help fade pigmentation and reduce dullness. We promise after just one use you will not be able to live without it! 

woman putting skincare serum on her face

Bye-Bye Old Foundation

For most of us we go through our skincare products quicker than our makeup. We use it everyday morning and night. However, when it comes to makeup we all seem to have too much of it laying around. I mean who has 5 mascaras or more? When it comes to shelf life for makeup it isn’t as long as skincare. Your foundation will only last for a year if it makes it even that far. Makeup can contain more bacteria and are easily contaminated once kept for too long. If you notice the smell, consistency, and color changes it’s time for a replacement. But makeup can be the biggest factor when it comes to break outs, large pores, and dried out skin. 

two women standing in front of shelves

Don’t Forget Eyeshadow

Seriously what girl doesn’t have a different eyeshadow palette for every occasion. We all have those few colors we love from that one palette so they all seem to linger for too long. One of the most important things we always tell our clients at Images Med Spa in Wheaton is keep your brushes clean. This should be a weekly routine so dust, dirt, oils, and anything else gross that is collecting out there is removed. Same thing goes for eyeshadow; it can be easily contaminated if you’re not cleaning your eyeshadow brushing. Plus those palettes that you love so much will last way longer. Makeup can be a huge factor of age. Transferring expired products to your skin is one of the worse things to do. Throw it out sis! You’ll thank yourself later. 


Start the year off with everything fresh… fresh start, fresh products, and fresh skin. Sometimes we all need a little reminder that we need to clean out the clutter and start fresh. Especially starting a new school year off right. Come visit your favorite spa Images Med Spa in Wheaton. We can get your skin into a healthy and happier state while sharing all our skin tips and tricks with you. 



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