One of the best forms of self-care is maintaining a healthy relationship with beauty and wellness. While the world has changed significantly you might not be hanging with all your friends or family. This doesn’t mean you give up on skincare, health, and everything beauty. Looking good and feeling good is all about YOU!


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The condition of your skin reflects how you feel and how you chose to take care of yourself. By getting good sleep, proper nutrition, exercising, and staying on top of your skincare regimen will all benefit how you look and how you feel. At Images Med Spa we are especially dialing into our skin, products, and treatments so we can feel good and look good! Book your consultation and treat your skin the self-care that it needs 773-770-3666 ❤.


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Stop Staying up Late!

Have you ever heard of getting your beauty sleep? Well, it’s true if you don’t make at least 7 hours of sleep each night a habit this can cause early signs of age. Did you know that our skin repairs itself while we sleep? The same way your body gets its rest during the night so does the skin from all your daily activities. The problem with skimping sleep is that the skin won’t be able to properly heal itself from all the damage and inflammation. The outer layer of skin provides the most protection from environmental damage and from loss of water. The lack of sleep might make your skin dehydrated which will lead to dried-out unhappy skin. I mean who hates to hear you look tired? That is the worst! But the problem, with staring at your phone till 2 am is that it makes your collagen product slow down. We all know that less collagen means horrifying wrinkles that make you look old. To avoid red eyes and or undereye circles it’s best your turn off the electronics at least an hour before bed. But besides that being well-rested will allow you to think clearly and function properly. 


A Balanced Diet is Key

Oftentimes what we eat will reflect on how glowy the skin is. We are always looking for those quick fixes whether it’s adding in retinol to help with aging or spot treatment for acne. While those will both benefit your skin concerns it won’t completely remove them if your diet isn’t in check. Balance is key and by incorporating whole healthy foods you will see dramatic changes in your complexion. While eating more fruits and vegetables will have its benefits some foods contain more nutrients than others and specific ones with skin benefits. One great food rich in antioxidants is Salmon. Besides it being a tasty dinner dish it will also provide the body with fatty acids that our bodies can’t naturally produce on their own. Fatty acids are the building blocks for good skin. They are great for locking in moisture and keeping irritants out of the skin. While all fruits are great for the skin, watermelon stands out the most. It’s low in sugar and can reduce puffiness around the eyes. For most of us, we have experienced sun damage even if you’ve religiously been wearing sunscreen. Supplementing more tomatoes into your diet can protect the skin from UV damage. Another healthy fat that is rich in Vitamin E is almonds. This powerful antioxidant helps prevent aging caused by free radicals. 


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Stick To Your Routine & Make It Fun

Face it you might be stuck inside and getting ready is no longer part of your routine. You move from your bedroom to your family room and work from home in your comfy clothes. Making sure you stay motivated and still washing your face at least 2 times a day is important! Your skin might not be exposed to as much environmental damage such as pollution or UV rays but don’t be fooled. Did you know the skin can still become damaged from the sun just through the windows inside? At Images Med Spa we always are always raving about SPF 30+ because this is the best form of protection from the sun while still providing extra moisture to the skin. While putting on make-up might not seem necessary when you spend more time at home we’ve got a better option for you that will even out your complexion while providing sun protection. “Glo Skin Beauty Moisturizing Tint SPF 30+” This is the perfect blend of sunscreen and lightweight tint that will leave the skin fresh and glowy! Natural is in and applying a heavy layer of foundation is not all that great for the skin anyway. If you’re looking to dial into your skin a great way to improve it while making it fun is applying a face mask a few times a week. Our go-to medical grade face mask is Epionce’s Enriched Firming Mask. It provides the skin with the most hydration while containing natural ingredients. The botanicals will soothe and firm up the skin. Irritated skin requires a little extra love and this is the perfect time for it! 


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Be Active & Drink Water 

While regular exercise is great for your heart and lungs it also can improve mental health AND the skin! Healthy circulation and increasing blood flow through exercise will nourish your skin cells. For most of us getting exercise puts us into a happier state of mind due to the endorphins. With all the stress we experience on a daily basis this a form of cleansing the skin from the inside out. Stress is horrible for your mental health but it can also lead to acne and early signs of age. While sweating can lead to new or worsened skin concerns you can easily get that under control by properly caring for the skin before and after your gym session. There are studies that suggest that exercise can help keep the skin looking younger longer! Don’t forget to drink water throughout the day… this can be a difficult task for some of us. But drinking at least 8 glasses a day will allow the body and skin to get rid of toxins. If you’re looking for a natural form of a healthy glow the answer is to drink more water! 


If you’re ready to look good and feel good it is a great time to stick to a regular beauty and wellness routine. While skin can be tricky at Images Med Spa we can help you dial into the needs of your specific skin concerns. Book your complimentary skin consultation today and get your best skin yet 773-770-3666 💖.


1006 W Armitage Ave. 2nd Floor Chicago, IL 60614 



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